If you are selling or purchasing a home in Spring Lake NJ, we recommend a full home inspection so that you know the true condition of your property and can make a wise decision. 20/20 Home Inspection of NJ has performed precise, reliable, visual home and residential inspections since 2010. During a property evaluation, we examine every potential problem area.
Foundation: A strong, leak-free foundation is critical to the enjoyment of a home. We check the foundation for evidence of water penetration, crack damage, deterioration or settling. We also examine all accessible crawlspaces under the home.
Structure: We visually observe the building’s structure for the quality of the exposed wooden framing and look for damage or deterioration due to moisture entry, aging, wind, settlement or other issues. Our inspection includes a thorough check of the condition of exterior and interior surfaces, floors, walls, ceilings, attic, framing and insulation.
Plumbing System: We look for the types and condition of supply and waste lines, including the drains, vents pipes and traps. We also check the condition of the water heating unit and the heating systems. We observe and report any visible deterioration, leakage or weaknesses in the plumbing system.
Electrical System: We thoroughly inspect the electric service entry cables and branch wiring, where visible, for proper size and condition. Unsafe wiring practices ( missing GFCI's, unprotected conductors, ungrounded receptacles, faulty wiring, defective panels, aluminum wiring) will be reported in our inspection report.
Roof and Attic: During the roof inspection, we visually examine its overall condition and look for visible signs of leakage, deterioration, missing shingles and improper installations. We also look at the condition of the gutters, downspouts, flashing and rain caps for proper drainage.
Our Spring Lake NJ Home inspections also include inspecting the porches, decks, windows, property condition, driveways, walkways, grading,patios, balconies, kitchens, bathrooms etc.